On the 12th of March 2016 the Annual Meeting of the CRZVD took place at the Küffner Hof in Neudeck near Langenbrettach. The participating 18 members and 2 guests met in the afternoon in the restaurant of the riding center. At the beginning of the meeting they did a round tour over the property, which will also be the venue for this year’s Fiesta Criolla in September. Andreas Wascher presented the riding center which provides a large indoor as well as outdoor riding arena.

Back in the restaurant, Vice- president Golo Kirchhoff welcomed everyone and resumed the highlights of last year. In the following he handed over to Zuchtwartin Ina Zeller (responsible for breeding topics), who reported from the breeding year 2015. The foals in 2015 were all very good and gained multiple premiums. Five new stallions were licensed for breeding and two stallions and two mares perfor- mance-proofed. The two morphology workshops of Dr. Martin Gurmendez in October were well re- ceived among the CRZVD breeders and the breeding judges.
Freizeitwart Karlheinz Daiber (responsible for fairs and events) presented afterwards the activities undertaken by the CRZVD in his working area 2015. He especially mentioned the Fiesta Criolla 2015 which had perfect weather and many participants. For 2016 the CRZVD plans to participate on two horse fairs. Furthermore a trail riding weekend in the Spessart in July and a Working Equitation workshop in August in Enningerloh in the North of Germany will be organized.
Then, the Press Manager Judith Hüttel (responsible for press relations) presented the Annual report of the CRZVD for 2015 and thanked everyone, who sent to her texts and pictures for the report.
The Treasurer Verena Hoffart, afterwards explained the good financial situation and financial plans for 2016. Subsequently, Birgit Kandel showed the new Criollo products that were taken in stock of the CRZVD shop. Especially the new sweatshirts and softshell vests are looking really nice and the print of our logo is now possible in black or silver and on the back or front of all products.
Lastly, Member Andreas Werdermann reported from the success of his son Joschka Werdermann with their stallion De Baviera Cimarron. The two won the German Championship in Junior Ranch Riding at the EWU Championships last year.
Following the presentation, all the attendees voted the new Managing Board of the CRZVD . The new members of the Managing Board, that were voted unanimously, are as follow:
· President: Golo Kirchhoff
· Vice President: Conrad Hoyos
· Treasurer: Birgit Kandel
· Schriftwartin: Verena Hoffart
· Breeding Manager: Ina Zeller
· Press Manager: Judith Hüttel
· Events Manager: Karlheinz Daiber
After the official part the members had a good dinner from the buffet and several hours of chatting about the horses and the plans for this year.

Overall the Annual Meeting of the CRZVD 2016 was a very nice event where we heard about a lot of positive things from last year and discussed important topics for 2016. Thanks to all the participants!
Judith Hüttel