Extract from the website of the ANACC._NEWS : MULHERES NA DOMA
To discover the famous Youtube Program Mulheres Na Doma, visit our last publication : Season II of MULHERES NA DOMA- INTERVIEW WITH JONIO SALLES, Director of the Cavalo Crioulo Oficial Program
Il criollo il Cavallo per tuti....Un Cavallo con coraggio, agilita e potenza, Mansueto tranquillo e affidabile, Docile, allegro e compagno in tutti i giorni della vita, Frugale, economico, sano e forte....Un cavallo che chiunque imparera ad amare.

About Criollos
Have you heard about the Criollo Horse? The horse of the Argentinian, Brazilian and Uruguayan cow-boy, called "Gaucho" or "Paisano"? This amazing horse is part of the culture of many countries in South America. You will find here information about its history, characteristics and abilities.
Want some information about breeders in Europe ? Looking for a purebred Criollo into your country? You will find here some details about breeders and general information related to the breeding of Purebred Criollos.