Season II of MULHERES NA DOMA- INTERVIEW WITH JONIO SALLES, Director of the Cavalo Crioulo Oficial Program


In this beginning of April, I have the pleasure for Criollo-Horse to share with you the launching of Season II of the famous Brazilian program on Cavalos Crioulos Official Channel called MULERES NA DOMA, and presented by Valéria Maciel.

In this occasion, I had the opportunity to interview JONIO SALLES, Director of the Production Company BRFilmes and the Official Cavalos Crioulos Program, to introduce us to MULHERES NA DOMA.

A great opportunity to learn more about this program that has already more than 100 million views!

Aurore: Jonio, can you explain how the idea of ​​doing the MULHERES NA DOMA program came up?

JONIO: The idea of ​​making a show about Women in Dressage is the adaptation of another project created by BRfilmes, which we filmed in Chile in 2013, when we brought together 15 young horse trainers to carry out the training of wild foals, for 21 days, at the breeder’s place Las Callanas. In our trips around Brazil and around the world, we have noticed the growth and the greater number of women involved with horses, whether as users, in sports or as workers. However, domestication itself, in Brazil, is still widely seen as an men activity. We want to encourage women to perform this stage with horses, and for this reason we will teach her different dressage techniques that they can use.

Aurore: Can you summarize in a few words what does MULHERES NA DOMA consist in?

JONIO: In this second season, we selected nine women, in addition to the six Brazilians girls, we have participants from Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. There are five trainers who will help them, two for the American western dressage and three for the gaucho dressage, widely used in South American countries. We divided the girls into two groups according to the chosen technique. All of them will demonstrate how far they have been able to go with the dressage of their horses during these 15 intense days of learning.    


Aurore : How did you proceed to select the program participants?

JONIO: We selected the candidates through Instagram posts, we asked them to post photos and videos with the horses, using the hashtag #mulheresnadomaoficial. In this way we were able to evaluate the relationship of the candidates with horses and their level of riding, because we wanted women at different stages of technical knowledge, so that the public could identify with the participants, depending on to their level.

Aurore : Any anegdote or special event that you remember about the filming of Season II ?

JONIO: The confinement of all the team, by itself, brings a lot of strong emotions. Also, the fact that they are tested and filmed during the entire day makes the atmosphere charged with excitement and emotions!  

Aurore : Would you like to say something to the European public and fans of the criollo horse over here?

JONIO: I invite everyone to watch the series "MULHERES NA DOMA" on our YouTube channel: Cavalo Crioulo Ofical Program. We already have over 100 million views. I am sure you will like it and who knows, in the future we will be able to do a special edition of Mulheres Na Doma in Europe?  

As you could understand, MULHERES NA DOMA is a program for us women, for horse lovers and in particular for Criollo horse lovers, for fan of dressage who want to discover and imporve dressage techniques beyond frontiers.  

I am very grateful to Jonio Salles for this interview!

Now, how to follow MULHERES NA DOMA program?

RDV on the instagram account of the program @mulheresnadomaoficial and thanks to #mulheresnadomaoficial MULHERES NA DOMA and all Cavalos Crioulos Oficial programs can be followed on YOUTUBE.

Now it's time to watch the first two episodes of season 2!

SEASON 2 - MULHERES NA DOMA - Episode 1        


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Gruppenbild Sonntag Arena2

Horse fair in Verona: many highlights and a very special atmosphere

-Published in German in WESTERN HORSE Magazin- January 2020
Author : the criollo breeder  and specialist in criollosand sports: Andreas Werderman -CP Criollos

From the 7th to the 10th of November 2019, the Fieracavalli took place for the 121st time in Verona (Italy).
160,000 visitors, 2,400 horses from 60 breeds and 35 breeding associations are expected this year, so advertised the "Fieracavalli" - translated "Horse Fair" - in advance.

The program featured in particular the world-class "Jumping Verona" jumping tournament and the premiere of the ELEMENTA MASTERS, the highely endowed Reining event of the year in Europe, with USD 300,000 to date. For the first time, the Criollo world awaited the FRENO DE EUROPA, a riding competition modeled on the South American FRENO DE ORO, in addition to the European Conformation evaluation, which took place first time in 2011 at the Fieracavalli. Sufficient reasons for me as Reining and Criollofan to make my way to Verona, which lies just south of the Alps in the picturesque Veneto, between Milan and Venice.

Celebrate A Fair!

On the Brenner there were already the first snowfalls, south of the Alps, however, I expected at times even T-shirt weather, a pleasant contrast to the dreary November gray at home - what a surprise! The next pleasant surprise awaited me on entering the fairgrounds "Veronafiere": The modern congress center, where the main entrance to the fair is located, is followed by a spacious outdoor area with a large gastronomic area, where early at 9:00 clock -it smelled aromatic of grilled specialties! The food court offered in addition to the local pizza and regional specialties also grilled up to the 500-gram T-bone steak!

Between the twelve halls and the large outdoor arena are wide corridors through which sometimes a herd of free-range horses or stately Maremma cattle was driven, flanked by the "Butteri" called Italian cowboys. Of the twelve halls on the exhibition grounds, ten were used to showcase the 60 horse breeds and the equestrian sports events. In addition to the Show Jumping Warmup area, a hall housed a B2B exhibition area, and only one hall remained for the merchandising that is so widespread at German fairs. Nevertheless, it did not feel as if you were underserved by with offers for riding equipment. In the evenings, the outdoor area turned into a party mile with a huge saloon and country live music, as well as an equally large marquee with live mood songs. In fact, it felt as if you pay the entry fee for being able to learn more about horses, seeing interesting equestrian events, getting a rich show program, and gaining access to the party mile. The proverbial Italian warmth and hospitality in addition to the appealing gastronomy made sure that you felt completely at home on the Fieracavalli. Summarized: "celebrate a fair" receives a refreshing new definition on the Fieracavalli.

La Fiera Cavalli

ELEMENTA MASTERS- Top Class Reining 

Two of the twelve halls were reserved for Western riding. In one there were speed disciplines like Polebending and Barrel-Race with national and international competitors - and in the other hall there was the NRHA ELEMENTA MASTERS, from Thursday to Sunday Reining at a high level. The audience interest was very high in both halls, you almost always thought that the riders were performing in front of a full house - until on Saturday evening during the Open & Intermediate- and Limited Open as well as the Freestyle Reining, it felt like it was when the bleachers are filled to capacity, the mood was terrific, and Boris Kook at his best fought to keep viewers going during the frequent drag-times with the onlookers' cameras. The $ 300,000 added prize money of the ELEMENTA MASTERS in Europe was topped in 2019 only by the IRHA Futurity in Cremona (Italy, 22.-30.11.2019), where there was 527,000 euros in prize money.

The $ 101,000 highest-grossing competition was the NRHA Open on Saturday night: Canadian Morey Fisk scored highest with 226.5 and won on 11-year-old Chicks Smokingun (Gunner) owned by Sabine Schmid. Ann Fonck on Gunners Specialolena (Gunners Special Nite) and Cira Baeck on Phantom Face (Pale Face Dunnit), scored a 225.5. The Reining-enthusiastic spectators were already in celebratory mood after the exciting decision in the NRHA Open, this was further increased by the following Freestyle Reining: Cira Baeck won as a "Wonder Woman" on Phantom Face with an amazing 231.

But the most emotional contribution was certainly provided by Gina Schumacher with the 6-year-old Lilbellicimo Wimp BB (Wimpy's Little Step), who celebrated a homage to her father Michael in the complete Ferrari outfit including the Formula 1 helmet!

NRHA Elementa Masters


European premiere and family reunion of Criollo fans from around the world

For the first time in 2011, the Italian National Criollo Breeders Association , Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Cavallo Criollo (ANACC), held a conformation contest for Criollos at the Fieracavalli, a program favored by the Veronafiere, contributing to the diversity of the Fieracavalli. The spectators really liked the Criollos presented at the Fieracavalli, told me Giuseppe Bonacina, ANACC President since 2018.

You can read articles about Fiera Cavalli 2018 en Criollo-Horse (Spanish):

* La Fiera Cavalli 2018
El Septimo concurso Morfologico Europeo de la Raza Criolla - Fiera Cavalli 2018

In order to make the presentation more varied, they planned the "Freno de Europa" for 2019, a riding competition not only based on the name of the most important contest of the South American Criollo world, the "Freno de Oro". Francisco Kessler Fleck, President of the Brazilian Criollo Association (ABCCC), describes the Freno de Oro (Portuguese: "Freio de Ouro") as a very complete test with maneuvers we know from the Reining, such as Sliding stops, Spins, Speedcontrol, but also cattle work and a presentation of the horses without a bridle on the hand to assess the conformation.

-Freio de Ouro was presented in "Reining-Criollos" Parte 2 WESTERN HORSE, July 2019- Published in criollo-horse @Where does the Reining talent of the Criollos come from? .

The status of Freno de Europa in the Criollo world is best recognized by the announcement of a 16-member delegation from the Brazilian Breeding Association - including its President Francisco Kessler Fleck - and a 12-member delegation from the Uruguayan Breeding Association, including board members Dr. Mártin Gurmendez and Alma Elorza Aznares, who is in the meantime representative of the international umbrella organization of criollo breeding called "Federación Internacional de Criadores de Caballos Criollos".

Las Delegaciones internacionales

Of course, the Freno de Europa was only a slimmed-down version of the Freno de Oro - without cattle disciplines and spins. It began with the morphology evaluation, the assessment of the conformation, which made 37.5% of the total result: The horses are first ridden under the saddle in the three basic gaits all in a row on the circle, then they were unsaddled and presented individually on the hand.

¡South American and Western ridden horses in the same ranking!

Already during the warm-up, we noticed: at the Freno de Europa, South American and Western ridden horses were in the same ranking! Francisco Kessler Fleck explains: "We want to promote our horses and not our culture, so in the Freio de Ouro and the Freno de Europa, the presentation of horses in Western outfit and equipment is generally allowed."

Then came the riding disciplines, first "Andares y Mansedumbre": In the "Andares" - in English "gaits" - the horses are individually presented on the circle in walking and trotting and in both directions at a gallop, between the gallop on the left and right hand a flying gallop change takes place.
The judges want to see a rideable horse in basic gaits, as they are ideal for ranch work, to be fluent and fit well, with the trot accounting for 50% of the overall morphology rating. The "Mansedumbre", in English "gentleness" or "quality of taming", is not part of the Freio de Ouro, but was implemented at the request of the ANACC: The rider stops in front of the judges, who were during the entire examination in the middle of the track, dismounts, raises each hoof one after the other, and sits up again.

This is followed by the "Figura": a course marked with "hay bales" consisting of two slalom courses, four voltes and a "figure eight" is to ride at a gallop, see photo. The course is not ridden on time, but the rideability of the horse is to be seen by the fact that it should be ridden while controlled, but as fast as possible, the voltes should be as close as possible. The total of six required flying gallop changes are to jump exactly in the middle between the "hay bales". The judges want to see on the straights between the voltes a speedcontrol with significant speed increase and slowdown before the volt. The horse opening the mouth or striking with the tail lead to point deduction, as well as cross gallop or too slow execution.The course size had to be adjusted at the Freno de Europa to the dimensions of the arena 22.5 by 55 meters, in South America significantly larger arenas are available.

Parcours Figura

The Figura was followed by "Rayadas o Esbarradas", twice Rundown and Slidingstop, as well as a back-up in front of the judges, Francisco Kessler Fleck and Frederico Araujo from Brazil. The judges award a score between 0 - not executed - and 10 - perfect - for each maneuver.

Professional South American Freno de Oro riders are not allowed to participate. As the Freio de Ouro is a breeding selection test, as well as the Freno de Europa, only stallions and mares are allowed, both genders are considered separately.

The winners of the Freno de Europa

Freno de Oro de Europa - stallions ranking

In the stallions ranking "Patron Chico Engarrotao" won under his rider Aurore Descombes from France. The 17-year-old Engarrotao, called Tagua, perhaps the only horse in the world that has been successful in both the NRHA and in long distance races up to 90 kilometers, goes down in history with victory in the first Freno de Europa. Aurore scored high on the good Reining-based rideability of her Tagua, which she imported from Argentina in 2006. In the early years she promoted him successfully on long distance races. Then she came to Western riding in 2014 and began to train the then 12 -year-old Tagua Reining. Meanwhile, they scored at the NRHA France over 70, and they have already received a Plus 1.5 on the stop. Aurore has been riding since childhood, first English, dressage and jumping. She is obviously as versatile as her horse because she practiced as a lawyer before opening her own fashion label YACANA, offering South American fashion and Parisian flair in an Ecuador-Peru-France partnership (www.yacana

In preparation for the Freno de Europa, Aurore participated in two courses by Uruguayan professional coach Daniel Berhouet, one in Uruguay and one in Italy in June 2019.
"Criollos are very special horses - strong in character, talented and very versatile. My horse Patron Chico Engarrotao is the best example of how one horse can make different careers in his life, and we have shown to the Reiners among the the Criollo riders it is possible to participate in the Freno de Europa with a Reining trained horse and even to win - so come guys (and girls), we meet for the second Freno de Europa 2020! "

Aurore told me at the end of the interview, that she incidentally received a lot of positive feedback for their victory by women from South America, because the equestrian world in South America is largely dominated by men.

Freno de Plata - stallions ranking

The second place of the Freno de Europa classification for the stallions was taken by the only 22-year-old Austrian Johanna Lahnsteiner on her criollo stallion Sin Frontera Chiripa, called Chiri. Johanna started riding lessons in classical dressage at the age of five. Even their parents are enthusiastic riders, so that they already took full-day rides at the age of seven years, together on holiday in Argentina. From childhood fascinated by the South American way of riding, meanwhile Johanna spends every winter in Argentina and works on an estancia together with the gauchos. Thus, it is not surprising that Johanna presents her Chiri in South American riding style and outfit.

"The saddle that I use, Recado, is typical of Argentina, it is more of a seat cushion than a saddle and consists of the sudadera, a canvas padding that prevents sweat from entering the saddle and several mats of sheep or Alpaca wool, matras and peleros. On top of these lies the basto, the "tree" made up of two flexible leather reels filled with straw or wool, which rest on the back muscles of the horse without straining the spine. On top of that, there is a sheepskin, the Cuero, fastened to sit softly, the Recado is made to allow the rider to spend a long time in the saddle - ten hours are no problem for me, "says Johanna.

El Freno de oro y de Plata categoria Machos

Overall, the South American riding style is largely based on the working equitation of the Gauchos and is designed to spend the whole day in the saddle. It reminds me a lot of Western riding forty years ago, when the rider's legs were off the horse and the horse's head was still up at the stop.

However, there are also differences in the riding style among the South Americans: Specifically with the Brazilian professional rider Guto Freire, four times Freio de Ouro winner and member of the Brazilian Fieracavalli delegation, I noticed that during the warm-up, he used leg aids with much feeling more frequently than any other South American. Is this one of the reasons for his outstanding achievements in South America?

Freno de oro, plata y bronce -femele ranking

Enrico Pavese - Triple winner of the Freno de Europa

The Freno de Europa of the mares was dominated by the Italian Enrico Pavese: He took the first three places with the four-year-old mares Jalapeña, Josefina and Jacinta, who are all bred in Germany by Benjamin Philipp and all have the suffix "De Baviera". Jalapeña is owned by Giuseppe Bonacina and his wife Simona, Josefina and Jacinta are owned by Enrico Pavese and his wife Ilenia.

Ilenia and Enrico also run a riding center in addition to the Criollo breed "El Tradicional". Enrico started riding Classical English 14 years ago at the age of 11, then Western and Californian Vaquero Style. A few years ago he came into contact with Criollos and the South American riding style through Giuseppe Bonacina and his wife Simona. Enrico attended a number of clinics where Uruguayan trainers demonstrated how to ride young horses and he was impressed with the way they gained access to the horse and the great learning they achieved in no time. Especially Daniel Berhouet from Uruguay, modern horse trainer of the "Doma Racional", was formative for Enrico. With him he already organized two courses in his riding center. The transition to South American riding was initially difficult for them: "But when we started to understand the new balance and smooth sensibility in controlling the horses, we discovered a completely new world," said Enrico. In addition to Daniel Berhouet, his fellow student Felipe Pesce Duran taught several times at the Equestrian Center of the Paveses. Enrico's preparation was completed, last but not least, by two South American stays in 2019, during which time he was also able to learn from Guto Freire in Brazil. Enrico crowned his intense preparation with his triple triumph at the first Freno de Europa of the mares!

El Freno de oro, de Plata y Bronce categoria hembras

El Desafio de las Estrellas

On Sunday, the last day of the fair, everyone was looking forward to a special highlight: The Freno de Europa winners competed with the South American professional riders in the"Desafio de las Estrellas", the "Competition of the Stars". The pattern was the same as the Freno de Europa but without morphology rating.

Guto Freire won in this competition with the Brazilian stallion Loco de Bueno Mapoche, owned by Vittorio Rabboni, who breeds Criollos under the brand name "Cabaña La Matilda" in addition to the "Rabboni Performance Horses" riding center which is well-known in Reining circles- Loco de Bueno Mapoche was placed in Level 2 in 2013 with Uruguayan professional rider Gabriel Diano in the USA NRHA Derby Open Top-10-.
By the way, Aurore Descombes finished second with her stallion on Sunday in the "Competition der Stars" behind Guto Freire, ahead of Enrico Pavese with his Josefina de Baviera. In fourth place came Juan Pablo González on Fogo De Chao Do Capao Redondo, a second South American professional rider on a Reining-trained Criollo owned by Vittorio Rabboni. Incidentally, Vittorio bought these two stallions from João Marcos de Arruda Pires, who also bred Criollos alongside Quarter Horses at his Cardinal Ranch in Texas until 2015. João Marcos de Arruda Pires is still connected to the Criollos - I met him in Verona at an international meeting of Criollo breeders - even though the main reason for his visit to the Fieracavalli was the ELEMENTA Reining.

El desafio de las Estrellas

The first Freno de Europa was a success!

This was also the conclusion of Francisco Kessler Fleck, because especially the very well-prepared Enrico Pavese with the three horses presented by him handled with the limited space in the 55-meter arena as well as Aurore Descombes with her rode Patron Chico Engarrotao and the South American professional riders.

The audience interest was great - the whole event took place in front of full ranks. Breeders from Italy, Brazil, Uruguay, France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany met, closed and intensified friendships - a meeting of Criollo breeders from seven nations as on the Fieracavalli has not even existed in South America! 

Criollo Breeders Network Europe Meeting 191108 internationale Gäste

I think they will come back and bring others with them, when ANACC and its chairman Giuseppe Bonacina will invite to the Freno de Europa on the Fieracavalli in 2020. Next time, they plan to supplement the Freno de Europa with a Freno de Oro cattle discipline, Giuseppe Bonacina told me. For him, the Fieracavalli is a place of friendship between peoples and an international meeting place of the Criollo scene. This and much more is the Fieracavalli. And that's why I will also travel to Verona in November 2020 and celebrate a fair.

Unsere Sprache sind die Criollos Fieracavalli 2
Poster Uruguayan Criollo breed
"The Criollo reduces distances, it breaks language barriers, the passion for these horses connects us," said Gilvane Marca dos Santos in the summer of 2019 ("Reining-Criollos" Part 1 WESTERN HORSE June 2019). The same opinion: The Uruguayan Criollo breed association SCCCU on the poster at the ANACC booth: "Our language is the Criollos".

Pictures from:
* Professional photofrapher:  FAGNER ALMEIDA
* The Author Andreas Werderman
* Benoît Bordonado

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Where does the Reining talent of the Criollos come from?

PHOTO 2019 04 05 16 36 14

Searching for clues: Where does the Reining talent of the Criollos come from?
Is there a "Doc Bar" in the breed of Criollos ?

Part 1 : Brief overview of Criollo's Reining achievemens and initial answers

In September 2018 it was time again: The entire equestrian world looked to Tryon North Carolina, USA, where the best of the best at the World Equestrian Games (WEG) competed in eight disciplines of equestrian sports, including a Western discipline - Reining.

Twenty-two riders and horses reached the Reining single final, including 21 horses with Quarter Horse pedigree - and a Criollo, true descendant of the Iberian horses, who came to America with the Conquistadors in the 16th century:
F5 Licurgo Tapajós. Under his rider Roberto Jou Inchausto from Brazil he performed a 221.5 - place 11!

 The performance of Roberto and Licurgo in the qualification was worth a contribution on the FEI homepage – „King Criollo“: (

Licurgo Tapajos: best WEG Reining Horse Without Quater Horse Ancestry Ever

Now, Criollos with Reining talent are not exceptional, even though the 11th place and a 221.5 in the Reining Individual final is the best finish ever to reach a horse without Quarter Horse ancestry at the World Equestrian Games: WEG 2010 in Kentucky took the Brazilian National Reining team with the two Criollos SJ Rodopio and Leopardo do Infinito directly behind the German team in seventh place, SJ Rodopio and his rider Wellington Teixeira contributed with a 217 the highest score of the Brazilian team. In the Reining singles final, Wellington Teixeira and SJ Rodopio took 14th place with a 216.

Wellington Teixeira y SJ Rodopio

2010 is not the first year in which a Criollo has attracted international attention in the reining scene: In 2004, Butiá Puma was NRHA Open Champion under his rider Carlos Deleu, the first Criollo to win an NRHA Bronze Trophy. In 2006, the Brazilian rider Franco Bertolani won a series of titles with the Criollo Joio do Infinito in Italy, including the International Champion Open IRHA Summer Slide - IRHA is the Italian NRHA member association.

The amazing thing: Joio do Infinito originates from the breeding of Agropecuaria Infinito Ltda. in Brazil - I looked at their website and found not a single reference to Reining. Joio was not bred for Reining sport, was he?
How can a horse that is not Reining bred become an International Reining Open Champion!?

joio do infinito 4a17fedf

Incidentally, the Brazilian NRHA member association is called ANCR and was founded in 1989, two years after the German NRHA and 23 years after the NRHA USA. The highest score ever achieved at an official ANCR contest was the Criollo Infinito do Itapororo, a 232 (77-77-78), at the ANCR Futurity 2000. The event was NHRA approved, two Brazilians were among the judges and one was from the USA. Infinito do Itapororo died in February 2019 at the age of 22.

135108 whatsapp image 2016 11 14 at 11 25 20 866

In recent years, the most successful Reining Criollos by far came from the Cabanha Marca dos Santos.
The horses bred by Mrs. Gilvane Marca dos Santos won a variety of Champion and Reserve Champion titles. To qualify for the leadership position of the Marca dos Santos-Criollos in the Reining discipline, I limit myself to the ANCR Futurity achievements in Open competitions, NRHA-approved: Marca dos Santos placed the best-placed Criollo of the series three times in a row from 2016 to 2018 ANCR Futurity Open, every time a young horse of this Cabanha was among the TOP-3 of the highest level 4, with scores between 218 and 220. Estupendo Marca dos Santo was also finalist of the NRHA Futurity 2018 in Oklahoma USA under his rider Roberto Jou.

Short interim conclusion: Reining achievements of the Criollos are not a unicum!

Before we visit Gilvane Marca dos Santos on her Cabanha, we meet Roberto Jou Inchausto from Brazil, who rode F5 Licurgo Tapajós at the WEG 2018 and his son Estupendo Marca dos Santos at the NRHA Futurity 2018: Roberto Jou went to the USA in 1998 to learn how to train and show Reining horses. Since the year 2000 he has been a professional Reining rider who knows both Quarter Horses and the best Brazilian Reining Criollos:

Roberto, can the Brazilian Reining Criollos compete with the best Quarters?
RJ: „I think Criollos and Quarter Horses have the same potential. The really big difference between the two breeds is the number of horses trained and shown in Reining: much more Quarter Horses than Criollos are shown in Reining - and yet Criollos show outstanding results, see 2018 World Equestrian Games. I believe we have not experienced the full potential of the Reining Criollos yet.“

Do Criollos need different training than Quarter Horses?
„There are probably small differences in the training of Quarter Horses and Criollos. But it is the same with the really good representatives of their breeds.“

Roberto, where does the reining talent of the Criollos come from?
„I am sure that the Criollos' Reining talent is the result of the selection from the "Freio de Ouro": the Freio de Ouro is a competition in which the horses need to perform all the maneuvers that are necessary for Reining so the breeders of Reining-Criollos can use the "Freio de Ouro" as a selection tool. For example, Senhor de Santa Tereza, the father of F5 Licurgo Tapajós, is a Freio de Ouro champion.“

The Cabanha Marca dos Santos

IMG 2214
The picturesque Cabanha Marca dos Santos in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul is home to 42 Criollos. It has a riding arena, indoor riding arena, covered roundpen, walker for 8 horses, stables, pastures, covering stand, a warm and functional environment where the horses and the staff and coaches of the Cabanha Marca dos Santos feel pleasant.
It all began when Gilvane Marca dos Santos wanted to learn how to ride in 2000 and bought a mare by the roadside, Cigana. In 2005, the family had first contact with the Reining world, because Gilvane and her then 14-year-old son attended a Reining course with Jango Salgado.

The Brazilian Jango Salgado is also known internationally in the world of Reining: As a disciple of Doug Milholland (USA), he has been a professional trainer since 1988 and co-founder of the ANCR in 1989. He won many ANCR and AQHA titles and finished third at the FEI World Reining Masters Open in 2004 with a Quarter Horse.

The input of Jango Salgado was a hit for the family: Immediately at the first start in 2005 Gilvanes son won an amateur Reining with the mare Bragada Gravatá.

Cabanha Marca dos Santos

Gilvane Marca dos Santos describes the emergence of her breeding of Reining-Criollos as follows:
GM: „... In 2008 we won the ANCR Amateur Futurity, but with horses from other breeders. We bought the horses with the most reining talent. We invested in animals, coaches, several from Brazil and from abroad. We advised our work team and conducted several courses with trainers. And we continue to invest a lot in the education of our employees, in the areas of nutrition, shoeing and training. We are working hard to prevent injuries, especially with the help of cryotherapy and magnetic field therapy. I am a veterinarian specialized in clinical and equine surgery as well as physiotherapy. All the work is supervised by me, finally the Cabanha Marca dos Santos emerged from my desire to learn to ride and she became a passion. Our team relies on the sires Joio do Infinito, VB Eldorado Dragão, F5 Licurgo Tapajós and Remendo do Purunã.“ 

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Gilvane, let's have a look at the lineages of your successful Futurity Criollos 2016-2018: Craque Marca dos Santos, from Joio do Infinito out of Bragada Gravatá (2016) ; Dom Eldorado Marca dos Santos, from VB Eldorado Dragão out of Oropel do Infinito (2017); Estupendo Marca dos Santos, from F5 Licurgo Tapajós out of Aroeira 02 Base (2018) -Three horses - three different fathers and mothers owned by you - all parents and some grandparents have                 Reining successes! That's what I call planned breeding!
GM: Yes, I think blood is thicker than water, I mean, if you take kids from champions, you're more likely to have a champion born. We select the parent animals of a mating especially according to their Reining results, morphology, temperament and talent.“

Roberto Jou was interviewed at the NRHA Futurity in Oklahoma on the occasion of his start with Estupendo Marca dos Santos , saying that Criollos are much like Quarter Horses: What do the two races have in common, what makes them different?
GM: „When Roberto was interviewed at the NRHA Futurity in Oklahoma, he also said that the Quarter Horse had years of breeding selection, the Criollos started later with Reining. The Criollo is more rustic, more resilient, has more tail, more mane and is later in its evolutionary developement.“

Why do you breed Criollos for Reining and not Quarter Horses?
GM: „I breed 98% Criollos and 2% Quarter Horses because I have a passion for the Criollos, their rusticism, their potential, stamina, gentleness, their type - they are part of our history and the horses of our pampas.“

What should be considered when breeding Criollos for the Reining discipline?
GM: „When breeding Criollos for Reining, you should pay attention to their gentleness and talent and to the fact that the horse is waiting for the instructor's commands. Once the coach asks for the maneuver, the horse should give the answer in the arena.“

What are important criteria for morphology, interior and genetics?
GM: „It is very important to pay close attention to these criteria - we try to take morphology and genetics equally into account in our breeding choices: the hind angle, shoulder angulation, neck position, combined with the genetics of sons or grandchildren of Reining Champions.“

Gilvane, where does the Reining talent of Criollos come from?
GM: „The talent of the Criollos results from the selection by the Freio de Ouro.“

Apart from that, is there anything important that you want to say to western riders in Germany?
GM: „What I have to say to the Western riders in Germany is: The Criollo overcomes distances, it breaks through language barriers, the passion for these horses connects us. I am the living proof that there are no limits when you are dreaming of a project and working continuously and unanimously on it. For what began with the dream and hope of the Marca dos Santos family, brought us, with the support of all the friends of the Criollos, to the World Equestrian Games, where we have represented our race to the whole world. Today we are 11th in the world and have the best Reining Criollo in the world. To the one who believes, everything is possible. The presentation of Licurgo at the World Equestrian Games has increased our family - I have received intercessions and thanksgiving from many. There is no greater treasure the Criollo brings along than family and friendship - and these are always welcome in the Marca dos Santos family.“ 

I thank Gilvane Marca dos Santos and Roberto Jou for their very insightful information and the impressive pictures!

"The Criollo overcomes distances and breaks down language barriers" - across national borders and continents.

The proof lies before you: This contribution to the topic "Where does the Reining talent of the Criollos come from?"

In the next part of our series, we will talk to Brazilian Criollo Breeders Association (ABCCC) President Francisco Kessler Fleck and learn more about the Freio de Ouro and the origins of the Criollos' Reining talent.

The family of the author Andreas Werdermann has been breeding Criollos for the Western riding sport successfully since 2007. Website :     Facebook: Andreas Werdermann CP-Criollos

You may also like this article : KING CRIOLLO AT THE WEGs, 

Criollo WEG

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The Website of the French Association is now Online!

Capture décran 2019 06 10 à 00.28.25

The official website of the French Association of Criollo Breeders is now available : WWW.CRIOLLO-AFECC.COM

You will find all the information about:
  • the criollo horse
  • the French breeders
  • the French Association AFECC
  • The French Studbook of the Criollo Horse
If you need any information please contact AFECC: 

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This year, around 30 horses travelled from Italy, Germany and Switzerland to compete for this VII European Morphology Competition of the Criollo Breed of Fiera Cavalli, in Verona.

The general level of the horses was very good. Actually it increased quite a lor thanks to efforts made by the breeders who since a few years exchange reproductors, buy ad sell horses and semen from one country or the other, in order to improve the genotype of the horses. 

The Uruguayan Jury was made of Daniel Berouet, Santiago Sanguinetti, and headed by Dr. Martin Gurmendez, the actual representative of SCCCU, secretary: Aurore Descombes (France).

The final scores of the Competition are as follow:

1. Jalapena De Baviera, criador Criollos de Baviera, Propietario La Alegra Criollos 

Mejor Ejemplar de la Raza, Gran Campeona Hembra, Mejor Yegua Adulta Menor, Mejor Cabeza,

2. Engaño Caraguata, propietario Alexander Luchïnger

Gran Campeon y Campeon Padrillo Mayor

3. Malena Las Rubias, Criador Cabana las Rubias, Giovanni Cancarini

Reservada Gran Campeona y Campeona Yegua Mayor


4. Mulato del Chamane, Criador Cabana El Chamane, Propietario Criollos de Baviera

Reservado Gran Campeon Macho, Reservado Campeon Padrillo Mayor, Mejores Aplomos

5. Jacintha de Baviera, Criador Criollos de Baviera, Propietario Traditional Ranch

Tercer Mejor Hembra

6. Fogo de Chão do Capão Redondo, Propietario Vittorio Raboni

Tercer Mejor Macho


7. Phitolaca Pora, Scuderia lo Stallone

Cuarta Mejor Hembra

8. Geronimo de Baviera, Criollos de Baviera

Cuarto Mejor Macho y Mejor Crin



Morfologia 2018 Definitivo

VII Concurso de Morfologia Europeo de la Raza Criolla

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For the first time in the World Equestrian Games history, and in the history of the Criollo breed as well, a Criollo became part of the 15th best reining horses of the world. This Criollo is called F5 LICURGO TAPAJOS riden by Roberto Jou Inchausti and scored 221,5 at the Individual Reining Final.

Licurgo is a 10 years old stallion who comes from the Cabanha Marca Dos Santos in Brazil. It is interesting to note that in Brazil, breeders are selecting Criollos for reining since the early 1990s. 
Licurgo has outstanding bloodlines as he comes from the famous stallion Senhor de Santa Thereza, FREIO DE OURO, PRATA and BRONZE, as well as FREIO DE OURO in FICCC and BOCAL DE PRATA.

Licurgo is the actual Champion fo the Reining National Championship ANCR, twice Champion of the Reining championship of the ABCCC, Campeão Gaúcho de Rédeas and Campeão da II Copa Tripol Ranch Classic, and was successful in much more competitions. 

Thanks to Licurgo, the entire equestrian world, are more especifically the reining world, wathed the Criollo as a real hight international reining horse, and a possible alternative to traditional reining breeds. He made the Buzz in the WEG press, and was called "King Criollo", that actually fits him very well!

Thank you Licurgo, thank you to the talented Roberto Jou Inchausti for managing this show and pressure with so much professionalism and thank you to Cabanha Marca dos Santos for giving to the breed such a good opportunity and example!

Criollo WEG

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The Expo FICCC that took place in Brazil during May 2018, is an international event that occures every 3 years in one of the FICCC countries in SOuth of America.  

This Show is international becaus the best horses, riders and breeders meet all toguether during severla days and participate to traditional and fabulous competitions, where the agility, resistence, courrage and nobility of the Criollo Horse can be valuated. 

This is also a place for meetings, exchanges, oficial meeting, etc.

This year for the first time in the FICCC history, the ANACC  (Italian Association of Criollo Breeders) and the CRZVD (German Association of Criollo Breeders) were represented by their respective Presidents, Giuseppe Bonacina and Benjamin Philip who traveled from Europe for the Show. Others members of the CRZVD also traveled to Brasil for the FICCC. They were welcomed by the organizators and participated to the Show and oficial meetings. 

A important sted towards a better cohesion and exchanges between FICCC countries, that include, not only countries from South of America (Argentina, Uruguay, Uruguay, Brazil) but also countries from Europe since a few years, i.e. France since 2017, who share as well this passion for this amazing horse, the Criollo. 

Long life to the FICCC and to cooperation between its Nations!

Vidéos and interviews available!

FICCC 2018- Representantes de Italia y Alemania

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Last Sunday the 2018 FICCC championship terminated, where the best horses met to compete, the world championship of the Criollo breed. Criollo-Horse shares with you the results of the Morfology and Freno de oro.

This 2018 FICCC championship was very special because for the first time in the FICCC history an Uruguyan horse won the Freno de Oro: el Colibri Matrero!


Gran Campeon y Campeon Caballo Menor: São Xavier Huracán
32943292 817282788478521 8369696941168132096 n

Reservado Gran Campeon, Campeon Caballo Adulto: AS Malke Sedutor-TE

33046838 817283475145119 8949767312836132864 n

3º Mejor Macho y Reservado Campeon Caballo Adulto: Esquivado Cala Bassa-TE

32849445 817283501811783 469218335205097472 n

4º Mejor Macho y 3º Mejor Caballo Adulto: Inquisitor 1490 Maufer

32928292 817283531811780 7976241640085913600 n

Mejor Ejemplar de Raza, Grand Campeona y Campeona Adulta: Dinastia Cala Bassa

32982600 817283651811768 4869997441941766144 n

Reservada Gran Campeona, Campeona Menor: Arma Branca da Meia Lua

32907139 817283705145096 5982678229721284608 n

3ª Mejor Hembra y Reservada Campena Adulta: La Brava Kresna

33020076 817283738478426 1439725388975570944 n

4ª Mejor Hembra y Campeona Potranca Menor: Basca Constância

33021993 817283765145090 5255112251542601728 n


Freno de Oro – AM GAITA
PO Uribe e AM Cris
Criador: Ana Maria Bastos Giudice
Expositor: Sergio Augusto Amaral
Jinete: Cláudio dos Santos Fagundes
Promedio: 21,423

33032877 817670658439734 7447402548857667584 n

Macanudo do Itapororó e Generina de São Pedro
Criador: Eduardo Macedo de Linhares
Expositor: Eduardo Macedo de Linhares
Jinete: Fábio Teixeira da Silveira
Promedio: 21,304

32974736 817670648439735 52816952300666880 n

Chicão de Santa Odessa e Palmas de Peñaflor Estampa
Criador: Hacienda Boa Vista, de Vacaria (RS)
Expositor: Fabio Camagro
Jinete: Fábio Teixeira da Silveira
Promedio: 19,619

33097348 817670628439737 1527483283208667136 n

Jalisco de Santa Angélica e Butiá Ubaia
Criador: Miguel y Rodrigo Campos Scarpellini
Expositor: Miguel y Rodrigo Scarpellini Campos
Jinete: Charles Fagundes 
Promedio: 18.566

33121505 817670695106397 6812847102540906496 n


Freno de Oro: Colibri Matrero
Del Oeste Acierto e Colibri Matrera
Criador: Colibri
Expositor: La Pacifica
Establecimiento: La Pacifica
Jinete: Gabriel Marty
Promedio: 22,700

32982603 1643160639071432 6597334882102280192 n

Freno de Plata: JA Libertador
Equador de Santa Edwiges e JA Arruaça
Criador: José Antônio Anzanello
Expositor: Condominio JA Libertador
Jinete: Cezar Augusto Schell Freire
Promedio: 21,823

33035755 817670771773056 3199790845003825152 n

Freno de Bronce: Peñarol da Boa Vista
Chicão de Santa Odessa e Catarina do Itapororó
Criador: Hacienda Boa Vista, Vacaria (RS)
Expositor: Asociación Peñarol
Jinete: Fábio Teixeira da Silveira
Promedio: 20,930

32977011 817670835106383 6186621238488596480 n

Freno de Alpaca: Feitiço Cavalera
As Malke Sedutor-Te e Quilero Nuvem Rara
Criador: Rafael Grimm Vaz y Eliana Sussenbach Vaz
Expositor: Alberto Lopes Gaffney y Jonas Leopoldino de Souza
Jinete: José Fonseca Macedo
Promedio: 20,410

33224612 817670791773054 172323219015991296 n

Fotos: Fagner Almeida

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Results of the 2018 OTONO EXPO in the Prado- Uruguay

The day before the Expo FICCC, which is the internaitonal championship for Criollos, we are pleased to remind you the results of the Expo otono in the Prado, uruguay, that took place from April 26 to April 29, 2018. This Show is one of the most important of the country and allows to appreciate the high level of the Uruguayan delegation which is currently in Esteio fot the FICCC event!



Gran Campeona y Campeona y Campeona Potranca:  

“Rosalinda Caraguatá” (Yancamil Cahuel x Rumbera Caraguatá (BT Rubí), expuesta por cabaña “El Chiripá” de Juan Montans y Cecilia Ferrando

Reservada Gran Campeona y Campeona Yegua Menor:        

“Tobogán Frontera” (Quelen Boticario x Quelen Garza (Tañido Chingolo), expuesta por “El Tobogán” de Rodolfo Trambauer y Graciela Deffeminis.

Tercera Mejor Hembra y Reservada Campeona Yegua Menor:

“Pacífica Costumbre” (Dormido Atajenlo x Pacífica Bombilla (BT Bico de Ferro do Junco), expuesta por La Pacífica.

Cuarta Mejor Hembra y Reservada Campeona Potranca:                    

 “Constancia Rocío” (Arrayán Baluarte x Constancia Afonía (BT Manolo), expuesta por “La Constancia” de Sapelli Gutiérrez Hnos.

Otros premios:
Tercera Mejor Potranca: “Jagüel Quintrala”, criada y expuesta por Green Belt SA;
Cuarta Mejor Potranca: “Gitana Caraguatá”, criada y expuesta por Juan Montans y Cecilia Ferrando;
Tercera Mejor Yegua Menor: “Jagüel Parola”, criada y expuesta por Green Belt SA;
Cuarta Mejor Yegua Menor: “Constancia Pantera”, criada por Sapelli Gutiérrez Hnos y expuesta por Ricardo Pereyra Presa.


Gran Campeón, Mejor Ejemplar sin distinción de sexo y Campeón Potrillo:

“Coé Curupay” (Rinconcito Cantinero x Jagüel Española (BT Martini), criado y expuesto por “Santa María” de Pingo Viejo SG.

Reservado Gran Campeón y Campeón Padrillo Mayor: 

“VR Redomón Artesano” (BT Latino x Cardenal Espuela (Arrayán Navideño), expuesto por “Doble A” de Vivo Roisseco Hnos.

Tercer Mejor Macho y Campeón Padrillo Menor:

“Arrayán Pajarito” (BT Jiquiqua x Constancia Escultura (Arrayán Navideño), criado por Sapelli Gutiérrez Hnos. y expuesto por Alexis Pérez Moreira.

Cuarto Mejor Macho y Reservado Campeón Potrillo:

“Jagüel Quebracho” (Tañido Canta Gallo x Jagüel Gritona (BT Gurí), expuesto por “Septiembre” de Green Belt SA.




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In Argentina 2 famous national shows are focused on the Criollo breed: the Autumn Show that takes place in April in the Rural, in Palermo (Buenos Aires) and the Palermo Show in July, same place. 

The specificity of the Automn show (or "Expo Otono") is that it occurs at the same moment as the big all breed show called NUESTROS CABALLOS, and that during this event competitions of morfology take place with the best horses from all the country, and national functional competitions as well like Freno de Oro, the Argentinean Rodeo called Paleteada or the famous Felipe Z. Ballester competition, for instance.

Find hereunder the results of the National Morfology Championship!


Gran Campeón Macho: Del Oeste Zorrino
Expositor: La Esperanza De Ballester S.R.L. – Cabaña: La Esperanza
S.B.A.: 87956 (Del Oeste Chiflido x Del Oeste Zaranda)

6895 20180408105159

Reservado Gran Campeón Macho: Yanca Jilguero
Expositor: Yancamil S.A. – Cabaña: Yancamil
S.B.A.: 87324 (Yancamil Cahuel x Yancamil Curumalan)

8369 20180408105239

Tercer Mejor Macho: Napaleofu Tirano
Expositor: Las Cadenas S.C. – Cabaña: Las Cadenas 
S.B.A.: 88342 (Charque Inocencio x Napaleofu Retirada)

7998 20180408105300

Cuarto Mejor Macho: Del Oeste Esperado
Expositor: La Esperanza De Ballester S.R.L. – Cabaña: La Esperanza 
S.B.A.: 82365 (Del Oeste Fierro x Del Oeste Espuela)


Gran Campeón Hembra: Del Goyaz Chacarera
Expositor: Rocha, Graciela Josefina B. De – Cabaña: El Goyaz
S.B.A.: 86240 (Iko Puma x Del Goyaz Cueca)

7818 20180408105326

Reservado Gran Campeón Hembra: La Brava Casandra
Expositor: S.A. Bartolome Ginocchio E Hijos Cia. – Cabaña: La Brava
S.B.A.: 80367 (Tañido Canta Gallo x La Brava Aldeana)

3216 20180408105356

Tercer Mejor Hembra: Pingaza Flor Del Pago
Expositor: De Achaval, Hugo Jorge – Cabaña: Las Javieras
S.B.A.: 76931 (Dormido Atajenlo x Cuchillera Diaguita)

3162 20180408105424

Cuarto Mejor Hembra: Del Goyaz Piragua 
Expositor: Rocha, Graciela Josefina B. De – Cabaña: El Goyaz
S.B.A.: 90092 (Iko Puma x Del Goyaz Galana)

Jury :

Reproductores Machos: Federico Arguelles y Leandro Decotto. Reproductores Hembras: Claudio Dowdall y Jose Amadeo Lastra. Arbitro de Machos y Hembras: Raúl Etchebehere
Secretario de Carpeta: Tomas Kehoe Secretarios C: Horacio España (h) y Tomas Fohring


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